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en:users:belarus-20:statement1 [2023/06/18 20:58] Konrad Loeffkeen:users:belarus-20:statement1 [2023/06/18 21:13] (current) Konrad Loeffke
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-======  Appeal to the international community ======+====== 2023-06-17  Appeal to the international community. The implementation of the Budapest Memorandum ======
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 [[en:users:belarus-20:start| Level up]] [[en:users:belarus-20:start| Level up]]
-{{tag>statement_en}}+{{tag>statement_en budapest_memorandum}}
 ---- ----
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 Siarhei Bulba Siarhei Bulba
-Head of non-governmental organization “Belarus 2.0. Robim Razam”+Head of non-governmental organization [[en:users:belarus-20:start|“Belarus 2.0. Robim Razam”]]